Students with Sculpture

Students at Maine-Endwell Middle School spent 6 hours on Friday creating a sculpture made out of canned goods. The beehive design used over 2,000 cans and weighed-in at 1,908.83 lbs.

The program, hosted by BLI Alumni highlights the creativity and workmanship of the students while also providing an opportunity for donations of canned, and non-perishable foods to be donated to a local organization.

After the sculptures were completed, a panel of judges made their rounds to inspect and rate the work. The cans will be disassembled and donated to Community Hunger Outreach Wearhouse (CHOW). 

Kids CAN Build is a local hunger-relief competition where student groups are paired with business sponsors and mentors to compete to design and build structures made entirely from canned goods. 2023 marks the second annual Kids CAN Build event, formerly "Canstruction of the Southern Tier". At the close of the competition, all of the donations and canned goods from Kids CAN Build will go to the Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse (CHOW) towards their hunger relief efforts in Broome County.