Maine-Endwell Graphics Guide & Branding Toolkit

The Maine-Endwell name and logo, the Spartan, are a part of the District's brand, which defines who we are and sets us apart from other school districts. It is important to adhere to the proper use of the District's graphic guidelines in order to maintain a consistent and unified brand.

Proper use of the district name, logo, and font are outlined in our Graphic Standards Guide. It is available here for reference, or download. 

We have also provided the various Spartan logos for our community members to use below in the Branding Toolkit section of this page.

Branding Toolkit

Below are the approved Maine-Endwell logos for district and community use. Please refer to the District’s Graphic Standards Guide for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Maine-Endwell Public Information Specialist, Vince Briga, 607-754-1400, ext. 2320.

Contact Us

Vince Briga
Public Information Specialist
Communications Coordinator
(607) 788-5482


Maine-Endwell Graphics Standards Guide

Official Color Hex Codes

Maine-Endwell Blue: 235BA8
Maine-Endwell Gold: FFDD35

Official District Fonts

Primary Fonts:
Trajan Pro (Cinzel is an acceptable substitute.)

Secondary Fonts:
Helvetica (Sans Serif)
Times New Roman (Serif)

For font samples, please click here.