Principal's Message



Dear Homer Brink Families,

It has been a wonderful 2023-24 school year! I truly have enjoyed watching your child(ren) learn and grow throughout the school year. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support throughout the year. I do believe it takes a team to educate a child, and it is a pleasure being part of that team.

We are saying goodbye to the following staff who are retiring this school year: Mrs. Mattiace and Mrs. Henry. We are grateful for their years of service. We have two new office staff members, Mrs. Denise Wilbur and Mrs. Rebecca (Becky) Wrobleski, who will be in our main office. Mrs. Wilbur is our new attendance clerk, and Mrs. Wrobleski is in the role Mrs. Mattiace held. I too am retiring. Mrs. Kara Mallery will be the new building principal, and Mrs. Stacey Hanna will be the new associate principal effective July 1st.

During the summer break, it is important that your child(ren) reads and continues to practice math facts throughout the summer months. The local libraries are fabulous places to visit as they all have a wonderful selection of books. Children can prevent the “summer slide” by reading on a regular basis during the summer. Also, it is important for students to practice their math facts. A fun way to continue writing is to keep a summer journal.

A special thank you to our PTA for supporting our students and staff throughout the year. They are supportive of Homer Brink students and staff throughout the school year by providing various activities and events. Please consider becoming a member next year and attending a meeting(s). Many hands make for light work. We are extremely fortunate to have a strong PTA who supports our students.

I cannot thank you enough for all your support since I started at Homer Brink in 2020. It has been my absolute pleasure getting to know our Spartans and watch them grow over the years as well as being part of your team.

On behalf of all my staff thank you for your support and for trusting your child(ren) with us. I wish you all a wonderful and safe summer.


Linda Kelly, Principal