Teacher & Department Sites
“If I go to a PTA meeting they will suck me in and I will be volunteering for something.” We have all thought this, and so we avoid attending. This is a false argument, as the PTA has "no strings attached". Simply join the PTA and know the PTA is here for you, our Homer Brink parents and teachers.
Each month speakers are booked to share their valuable time and vital information on subjects relevant to the needs of our children, issues within our district, and requirements mandated by the state that affect the education and well-being of our students. We have had speakers on topics such as:
District budget issues, goals and looking at all possible solutions, given by our Superintendent, Mr. Jason Van Fossen.
How our children are learning math, called the Common Core, and how we as parents can make sense of it all, given by Mr. Greg Asfoury.
Athletic opportunities through the district as well as in community, given by Mr. Andy Krise.
In addition to these wonderful events sponsored by the PTA for your benefit, Mr. Dundon, our school Principal, is in attendance at every meeting to answer questions and share information about new policies, programs, and good news with you.
So next time you are ready to toss that yellow paper into the “circular file”, we hope you will reconsider and join us for an hour once a month, no strings attached. Have your voice heard when there is an issue in the school, you have concerns in the district or you are anxious about your child’s future. These meetings are the gift of the PTA!
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the next PTA meeting. Please, come and show our speakers that we appreciate their time presenting to us. If there is a topic of interest, please share that with us at