High School Administration

Mark Wilson, High School Principal

Tony Ballard, Associate Principal

Erica Staiger, Associate Principal
Maine-Endwell’s High School principals oversee all aspects of secondary education and programs and are liaisons for their building, reporting directly to the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education. Principals are involved in all aspects of curriculum, programs, and decisions in their school, grades nine to 12. They oversee, coordinate and administer all state Regents exams, Advanced Placement exams and Student Learning Objective (SLO) exams.
Principals are responsible for setting building goals, and professional staff and non-instructional staff observations and evaluations (APPR). They provide professional development opportunities for staff, and are members of, and oversee, all committees involved in secondary programs.
Other principal duties include, but are not limited to:
• Student Safety and Behavioral Management
• Emergency Response Team Coordination
• Personnel and Contractual Matters
• Building Budget Development and Supervision
• Construction and Implementation of Master Schedule
• Coordinate and Assist with Academic Intervention Services and Response to Intervention plans
• Supervision of Buildings and Grounds
• Supervise Grade Reporting and Verification